How fast can you type?


Frequently Asked Questions

Why are there 3 duration levels (1, 3 and 5 minutes)?
For a better typing speed result, the longest duration (5 minutes) is recommended because at this case the midpoint will be calculated and the result is more truthful. When you haven't much time, you can also choose a minor duration, which is also acceptable of course.

Do I have the opportunity to correct my typewritten words and letters?
Yes, of course. As usual, with the backspace key you can correct mistakes.

Am I able to improve my typing speed by using this test?
Of course. The text, which you have to typewrite, includes the most used words in your language. The more you typewrite, the faster you will be.

What does the highscore mean?
This score is only used for the ranking list. It is a calculated value of the data of your results (right letters, false letters, maxium letters per second...).

I want to show my friends my typing speed results. How can I do this?
The only thing you have to do is to register your name in the ranking list (on the result page). After this, your personal link will appear in the window under your results. This link includes all your typing speed results, which are available for everyone and your friends.

Why do I have to enter my name to see the link including my results?
On the linked page with your personal results is also displayed your entered name. So your friends know, which results they see :)
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